Saturday, 26 November 2011


I recently recieved a mail from a client which was signed off as 'Happy Sourcing' . It immediately caught my attention. The line had a certain ring of positivity about it. Though it was written in plain black text, I could already imagine the line written in warm yellow with a big bright yellow smiley next to it !
'Happy Sourcing' is a very simple line, a line that recruiters would have so often repeated. Yet, the two mundane words are packed with a punch and can be interpreted in different ways -

It is a line with which every recruiter can start his day with - Happy Sourcing . Walking to his work station, carrying his laptop and morning cuppa coffee and carrying these two simple words in his attitude.

As the day at office progresses, a recruiter can have numerous reasons to be unhappy about - not getting the right candidate or not getting enough right candidates, clients not giving the shortlisting or shortlisted candidates not going for the interviews, candidates not getting offers or offered candidates not joining and so on. So amidst, all the disappointment, imagine the colleague sitting next to you turns around and says - 'Happy Sourcing'. I am sure to most of us it will either bring about a smirk or a smile. Either ways, it can infuse energy that can make the recruiter begin afresh.
'Happy Sourcing' can be understood in a completely different way as well. When I say 'Happy Sourcing' it can also mean I am happy sourcing. It means I am enjoying my work, enjoying recruitments and hence, I am happy sourcing.

So think about it, how would you like to interpret 'Happy Sourcing' ? Is it something that you would like to wish others or is it the state of mind you are in ?

Lest I keep you guessing what my interpretation would be, allow me to sign off by saying 'Happy Sourcing' !!!

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